Cambridge Healthtech Institute's 21st Annual

Strategic Alliance Management Congress

Optimize Biopharma Partnerships, Cultivate Strong Relationships, and Maximize the Value of Alliance Management

June 11 - 12, 2024 ALL TIMES EDT

As the biopharmaceutical industry continues to rely on alliances and collaboration with external organizations to access innovation and obtain market access, the function and organizational capability of Alliance Management is critical to ensure the effective execution of any strategic partnership, acting as a central driver of value, conflict resolution and success in a dynamic and changing environment. Join your colleagues in alliance management, business development, project management, and technology transfer to network, discuss case studies, explore career development and team organization, and share the components that cultivate successful partnerships.

Tuesday, June 11

Registration and Morning Coffee7:45 am

Organizer's Welcome Remarks8:30 am


8:35 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Steven Pessagno, Executive Director, Alliance Management, Business Development, GSK

8:40 am

Networking Meet & Greet

Steven Pessagno, Executive Director, Alliance Management, Business Development, GSK

Jumpstart your conference experience with a lively morning speed networking! This informal networking session is the perfect chance to meet fellow participants and connect with your conference peers right from the start. Grab a cup of coffee, engage in conversations, and kick off the conference with a bang. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to make new connections, share insights, and lay the groundwork for a memorable conference journey.


9:10 am

Strategies to Structure Internal Alignment and Decision-Making Frameworks

Annlouise Goodermuth, Executive Director, Business and Alliance Management, Moderna

This presentation explores strategic approaches to structure internal alignment and decision-making frameworks emphasizing the pivotal role of Alliance Management in fostering collaboration and synergy with both internal and external partners. Strategies for assessing and enhancing alignment among teams, departments, and leadership will be discussed, with a focus on the role of clear communication, shared values, and common goals.

9:40 am

From Collection to Collaboration: Mastering Alliance Data

Steven Pessagno, Executive Director, Alliance Management, Business Development, GSK

Explore the intricacies of effectively managing alliance data within an organization and with your alliance partner. Which strategies and frameworks can be deployed to effectively collect, store, organize, and seamlessly share alliance data within your organization and with your alliance partner? Gain practical techniques to enhance alliance data management, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation across the organizational landscape.

Coffee Break10:10 am

10:40 am

Discovery and Preclinical-Stage Alliances with Academia: Opportunities & Challenges

Stefan Walke, Global Head of Alliance Management, Boehringer Ingelheim

Academic institutions offer rich collaboration opportunities due to their focus on cutting-edge innovation. This presentation will address unique challenges alliance managers face and provide examples and practices on how to bridge the fundamental differences in such collaborations to achieve mutual success. Insights gained extend beyond academia and are also applicable to collaborations with other partners, such as biotech and digital companies.

11:10 am PANEL DISCUSSION:Alliance Management Models: Differing Approaches Across Organizations

John Barbadoro, Sr Consultant, Vantage Partners LLC


Jake Beverage, Vice President, Alliance Management, AbCellera

Julia Gershkovich, North America Hub Business Partner, Alliance Management, Sanofi

Jonathan Kern, Vice President, Global Alliances, AbbVie

"Alliance Management" models are diverse across organizations. This panel will delve into Alliance Management strategies that foster collaboration and success in varied organizational landscapes. Panelists will discuss accountabilities, objectives, and cover principles including team size, structure and organizational fit. Join our panel to learn "what good looks like" within each model as well as insights into effective implementation.

11:55 am Guiding Your Joint Steering Committee to Become a Beacon of Collaborative Leadership

Jan Twombly, President, The Rhythm of Business

Leading alliances do better at aligning around a strategy and making decisions in a timely manner so that they realize their intended value. One reason? Their Joint Steering Committees (JSC) are more effective. This presentation shares data gathered over the past four years from codevelopment and cocommercialization alliances to demonstrate how alliance professionals can guide their JSCs to provide leadership and empower teams to produce results.

Enjoy Lunch on Your Own12:25 pm


1:40 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Brian Stewart, Executive Director, Alliance Management, Global Business Development, Daiichi Sankyo

1:45 pm

Monitoring and Understanding Your Alliance Partner’s Financial Health

Kristen Van Such, Associate Director, Alliance Management, Jazz Pharmaceuticals

Learn how a basic understanding of financials can help you better support alliances. We will discuss and practice how alliance managers can pulse-check a partner's financial health to gain valuable insights on behaviors, anticipate future inflection points, mitigate alliance risks, and identify new opportunities.

2:15 pm

Cyberattack: Keeping Your Alliance Afloat during an Attack—It’s Not a Question of If, but When

Danielle Martinez, PhD, Associate Director, Alliance Management, Jazz Pharmaceuticals Inc.

If your alliance has not yet been impacted by a cyberattack, it is highly likely in the future. Are you prepared to deal with the outcomes of an attack? What happens if you suddenly have no access to your alliance’s information and data? Do you have an agreed upon plan on who does what between the alliance partners when an attack occurs? What happens when you find your computer systems are down and you can’t use email for an extended time period? Can you even call your partner if all your alliance contacts are in the company’s electronic systems?

Refreshment Break with Exhibit Viewing2:45 pm


3:15 pm

The Opportunities and Challenges of Cross-Border Alliances Focused on Drug Development and Commercialization in Greater China

Sharon Morgenbesser, PhD, Head, Alliance Management, AffaMed Therapeutics

The number of alliances focused on bringing clinical- or commercial-stage therapeutics from the US and EU into greater China is on the rise. These deals provide opportunities for partners to create value in China and share risks globally, but they have many challenges. I will share best practices that can be used by all parties during the entire alliance lifecycle to maximize efficiency and help ensure a harmonious working relationship.

3:45 pm

How Hard Could it Be? Navigating the Complexities of Commercial Alliances: It's Harder than You Think

Christopher Black, Head, Corporate Alliance Management & Integration, Merck & Co., Inc.

Commercial alliances are becoming increasingly significant in BioPharma, as complex global co/co alliances and localization partnerships add to an already challenging local and regional commercial distribution and promotion alliance landscape.  Managing these partnerships presents unique challenges that are distinct from more traditional academic research or development alliances. This session aims to explore the complexities involved and shed light on why they can be more challenging than commonly perceived. 

4:15 pmInteractive Breakout Discussions

Interactive Discussions are informal, moderated discussions, allowing participants to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic. Each discussion will be led by a facilitator who keeps the discussion on track and the group engaged. To get the most out of this format, please come prepared to share examples from your work, be a part of a collective, problem-solving session, and participate in active idea sharing. Please visit the Interactive Discussions page on the conference website for a complete listing of topics and descriptions.

TABLE 1: Creating and Managing Governance Structures in Complex Alliances

Christopher Black, Head, Corporate Alliance Management & Integration, Merck

Alex Lomonosov, Alliance and Integration Management Executive

Good Governance is one of the most important elements to ensuring alliance success and effective partnerships but can be particularly challenging when managing large alliances with multiple programs. This group will discuss strategies to create an effective governance structure for such alliances. 

  • What tactics can be employed to align internal stakeholders and promote information sharing across the organization? 
  • When should you consider adjusting a governance structure? 
  • What are the characteristics of an agile governance process? 

TABLE 2: Performance Metrics and Evaluation: What Should be Considered? 

Jan Twombly, CSAP, President, The Rhythm of Business

This table will consider approaches to establishing KPIs to measure alliance performance and utilizing alliance metrics effectively at individual alliance and alliance portfolio levels. 

  • What process and tools can be used to define metrics with alliance partners? 
  • What metrics could be used to track actions taken to proactively mitigate business, human or legal risk in an alliance?
  • Who are the stakeholders you should involve in the development, tracking, and reporting of alliance metrics? 

TABLE 3: Building and Managing Platform Alliances 

Andrew Park, Alliance Director R&D Business Development, GSK
Platform alliances are becoming more prevalent as pharma and biotech partner to exploit the potential of joining expertise in traditional modalities with a novel technology platforms. This group will discuss trends in the space, and exchange ideas on creating value and ensuring successful outcomes.
  • Understand the role of Alliance Management in establishing and managing platform alliances
  • What strategies can be leveraged to improve likelihood of success?
  • Discuss various platform alliances, which have achieved success and which have not, and what can be gleaned from these successes and failures​

Welcome Reception with Exhibit Viewing5:15 pm

Close of Day6:15 pm

Wednesday, June 12

Registration and Morning Coffee8:00 am


8:25 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Scott Bertetti, Executive Director & Global & US Brand Lead, Oncology, Bayer Pharmaceuticals


Building Bridges, Creating Value: The Crucial Role of Alliance Management in Integrations


Brian Stewart, Executive Director, Alliance Management, Global Business Development, Daiichi Sankyo

Explore the nuanced strategies employed by leaders in Alliance Management and Integration in overcoming the challenges of integrations—navigating cultural differences, governance & decision-making, and operating models. Discuss skills and tactics that can be employed by both, perspectives from acquiring company and acquired company, and lessons learned (what has gone well and what could be improved upon) from experiences thus far.


Kristin Eibisch, Director, Alliance Management, EMD Serono, The Healthcare business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany

Kathy Galle, Executive Director, Alliance Management, GSK

Marsha Ledder, Senior Director, Alliance Management, GSK

Timothy Salfi, Executive Director, Alliance Management and Integration, Organon

9:15 am

Catalyzing Innovation in Cancer: The Power of Academic-Industry Alliances

Beatrice Lana, Strategic Alliance Executive, Cancer Research UK (CRUK)

Carina Santos, PhD, Strategic Alliance Executive, Strategic Alliances, Cancer Research Horizons

Cancer Research Horizons (CRH) is the innovation and commercialization arm of Cancer Research UK—the world's largest charitable funder of cancer research. With a unique alliance approach, CRH bridges the gap between academic science and industry by building and managing alliances that join CRH’s 200 drug discovery and development scientists with academic and industry collaborators. CRH has 14 strategic alliances; our models include platform alliances, spinouts, and R&D alliances, across multiple oncology themes. In this presentation, we will show how academic-industry alliances lead to innovation and patient impact.

9:45 am Taking an Enterprise-Wide Perspective to Unlock the Full Potential of Strategic Partnerships

Josh Elliott, Director, Strategic Partnerships Advisory Lead, Baringa

Steven Pessagno, Executive Director, Alliance Management, Business Development, GSK, GSK

Strategic partnering is becoming more and more crucial in order to access the best innovation, share risk, and develop better integrated solutions for patients. Setting up your organisation's operating model with the intent of strategic partnering is key to its success.

In this interactive session, Josh & Steve will share their experiences about what needs to be considered at the enterprise-level in order to unlock successful partnering at the alliance level.

Coffee Break with Exhibit Viewing10:15 am


10:45 am

IN-DEPTH WORKSHOP & INTERACTIVE CASE STUDY: Best Practices in Leading Alliance Kick-Off, from Pre-Deal Signature through the Alliance “Honeymoon” Phase

Amy Crawford, Senior Director, Office of Alliance Management, Eli Lilly & Co

Brent Harvey, Executive Director, Alliance Management and M&A Integration, Eli Lilly & Co.

Telisha Morris, Associate Consultant - Alliance Management, Eli Lilly and Co.

Our team will take you through the three phases of alliance kick-off, starting with pre-deal signature and continuing through the alliance “honeymoon” phase.  Best practices to ensure a successful alliance kick-off, including topics ranging from the importance of intracompany alignment to alliance onboarding materials to clear roles and responsibilities, will be shared.  A case study will be used to apply understanding of key concepts.

Networking Luncheon12:15 pm

Session Break12:45 pm


1:30 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Katherine Kendrick, Head of Alliance Management, Jazz Pharmaceuticals


Partner of Choice—What Does It Mean for Different Organizations?


Nathan Sanburn, Senior Vice President Corporate Development and External Engagement, Verastem Oncology

In today's R&D and commercialization environment, collaboration and "partnership" are required to achieve our goals.  Partnership takes on many shapes from licensing agreements, to alliances, to supply collaborations, to clinical CRO agreements, to investigator site contracts. Becoming a "Partner of Choice" could mean an organization demonstrates good habits within a 2-party relationship or it could mean standing above any other potential partner among many options. In either case, the environment to do this changes over time and leaders must adapt. Join this panel to discuss how organizations define criteria for achieving this pinnacle while also working to measure its success.


Scott Bertetti, Executive Director & Global & US Brand Lead, Oncology, Bayer Pharmaceuticals

Janine Chupa, PhD, Director of Alliance Management, CSL Behring

Michelle R. Mohan, PhD, Senior Director and Head of Alliance Management, Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc

Beth Odeh-Frikert, PhD, Head SSF Global Alliance and Asset Management, Pharma Partnering, Genentech

Keya Watkins, PMP, Senior Vice President, Catalyst Oncology

2:20 pm

Alliances, Evolutions, and Graceful Exits—A Perspective

Beth Odeh-Frikert, PhD, Head SSF Global Alliance and Asset Management, Pharma Partnering, Genentech

Change is the only constant, and alliances are no exception. When starting an alliance, we might envision a long-term collaboration. However, changing circumstances—both externally and internally—may require restructuring the partnership through transformation or innovation. In some cases, partners may conclude that there is no viable future for the alliance and that exiting gracefully is the best solution. This session will discuss how to transform, innovate, or exit alliances gracefully.

Refreshment Break with Exhibit Viewing2:50 pm

3:10 pmInteractive Breakout Discussions

Interactive Discussions are informal, moderated discussions, allowing participants to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic. Each discussion will be led by a facilitator who keeps the discussion on track and the group engaged. To get the most out of this format, please come prepared to share examples from your work, be a part of a collective, problem-solving session, and participate in active idea sharing. Please visit the Interactive Discussions page on the conference website for a complete listing of topics and descriptions.

TABLE 4: Leveraging AI to Improve Alliance Management Productivity 

Brent Harvey, Executive Director, Alliance Management and M&A Integration, Eli Lilly & Co.

AI is being leveraged across many industries to improve efficiencies and enhance productivity.  How best can it be used to improve Alliance Management? Join this roundtable to explore how AI and data analytics can be used to enhance alliance performance and value.

  • In what areas of Alliance Management can AI be leveraged to create value?
  • What are some of the challenges and implications of AI use to be aware of?
  • Exchange experiences and best practices 

TABLE 5: Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Bridging the Gaps

Paul Horrocks, Director, Alliance Management, GSK

Recognizing the importance of cultural differences in alliance management, this group will discuss strategies for effective cross-cultural communication, understanding, and collaboration.

  • Explore differences in operational style, business culture, and communication to be aware of
  • Share commonly experienced cultural challenges in alliances and strategies to help overcome them

TABLE 6: Navigating your Career as an Alliance Manager

Nathan Sanburn, Senior Vice President Corporate Development and External Engagement, Verastem Oncology

Yin Wong, Director, R&D Alliance Management, GSK

This group will discuss some of the characteristics of effective alliance managers, career path options, shifting needs of the alliance manager skill set, and future state of the alliance management, among other topics. Exchange ideas and make new connections to guide your future as an Alliance Manager.  

  • Explore the skills to be gaining today, as well as development opportunities and resources  
  • Discuss the future of alliance management and emerging areas of importance for alliance managers
  • Share strategies for building a path to senior executive ranks​

Close of Summit4:10 pm

For more details on the conference, please contact:

Bridget Kotelly

Senior Conference Director

Cambridge Healthtech Institute

Phone: (+1) 781-972-5404



For partnering and sponsorship information, please contact:

Aimee Croke

Business Development Manager

Cambridge Healthtech Institute

Phone: (+1) 781-972-5458


Preliminary Agenda Now Available